Our Little Geekling

Our journey toward finding out what it means to be a parent.

Dogs! May 3, 2010

Filed under: Life and Love — mrsdangelo @ 05:37

Our sweet puppy, Rubeus, has been so bored lately. We had talked about adopting a second dog as a friend for him, but hadn’t acted on it until this week. Yesterday we spent 3 (THREE!) hours at a rescue looking at dogs. A couple runs 2 rescues out of their home; the male is in charge of the beagle rescue, and the female is in charge of the dalmatian rescue, but they both have several dogs that are mixed or not at all the breeds they advertise. Rubeus is a boxer mix, and we thought a beagle might be a good fit for him, might help calm him down but still keep him entertained.

So yesterday, after looking at dogs for FOREVER, we settled on the dog that Rubeus liked best (BTW, highly recommended to take your dog if you go to a shelter to look at friends for him or her; it was great to get to see how he interacted with them, which dogs he cowed to, and which ones he tried to dominate, and which ones he played with nonstop).

We named her Raisele (RAY-seh-la), after a character in a book I recently read, Away by Amy Bloom. She and Rubeus just instantly hit it off. Even though we had gone for a Beagle, we ended up with a second boxer mix. She’s good with cats, doesn’t let Rubeus boss her around (but doesn’t boss him around, either), is so sweet. She has funny coloring (since Rubeus has tiger stripes, we thought it was fun that she has leopard spots) that makes us smile. We have a 2-week trial period with her, but so far we think she’s going to work out!

So now we’re a 2-dog, 1-cat family. Our zoo won’t be complete until we add more kids to the mix. 🙂


One Response to “Dogs!”

  1. Donna Says:

    Adorable dogs!!

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